SmartLoan is a Proof of Concept P2P loan DeFi prototype for the digital future which attempt to solve student debt crisis.
SmartLoan attempt to bridge between permissionless and permissioned chains, providing a low risk, secured and collateral-free lending that benefits both borrowers and lenders.
The design of negative interest rates calculated based on monthly repayment principal, and positive interest rates based on the debtor's net income.
Asvoria received a PhD acceptance letter, but failed the scholarship application. The idea of funding the education through blockchain came to her mind.
A small team was formed during the Celo Hackathon. While workiing to make SmartLoan dApp work on Celo, the concept of SmartLoan was born. Although the project loses and did not receive any award, the team continues to work on SmartLoan to enable the practical implementation of the idea.
SmartLoan test run on its Hyperledger Aries agent, bridging between permissionless chain with permissioned chain to provide identity verification. This is a very important feature to make a collateral-free loan prodcut to be secured and lowered the risk!
We are enticipating the working prototype SmartLoan 1.0 to be released and running on Mainnet. The founder will be the first experimental specimen to take this risk for this project!
Lead Researcher & Founder
dApp Developer
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